Polish Institute of Physiotherapy and Sport
has been established in 2012.It is a research and educational institution. The institute works with remarkable sportsmen and scientists from various fields. It is thanks to them, as well as thanks to the method of combining theory and practice, that the institute has become a source of complete knowledge. This is a great value, but also a privilege and responsibility.
The role of the institute is to constantly gain knowledge, verify it, and also present it in the most appealing form so that it can become general knowledge.
Today, it's not the access to knowledge that constitutes a problem, but the lack of its reliability. At the institute we believe that when training others, the lack of an ongoing development and taking advantage of unverified knowledge, would be very irresponsible.
Everyone who deals with people is obliged to verify own ideas and gained information. We understand that those who possess complete knowledge should take the responsibility to care for it. Their role is to set standards and implement models. That is why we've created the institute's Guarantee. It makes us responsible for every information to be proven, and for everything we share, according to contemporary knowledge, to ensure the certainty of serving other people.
Completeness formula®
Working on the element of a human body without taking the responsibility for the person as a whole, is the biggest problem of medicine and pharmaceutics, but also of sports.
At the institute we believe that every change and discovery requires a second level of verification – a holistic view on the human body. That is why we've created the Formula of completeness. It is a method allowing to quickly verify all of the shared knowledge after new information or research results become available.
The Formula of completeness obliges us to to share data supplemented with complementary knowledge, and for any prepared or shared course and training to be created, supplemented, and verified by specialists from various fields.